Música Romântica para embalar a semana!

Essa semana tem Romantismo no canal do youtube do Blog Vinho Tinto. Escolhemos I will drink wine com Frank Sinatra para embalar a semana





Frank Sinatra – I Will Drink The Wine

Someone said, drink the water, but I will drink the wine.
Someone said, take a poor man, rich don’t have a dime.
So fool yourselves if you will, I just haven’t got the time.
If you can drink the water, I will drink the wine.

Someone gave me some small flowers, I held them in my hand.
I looked at them for several hours, I didn’t understand.
So fool yourselves if you will, you can hold out your hand,
I’ll give back your flowers, and I will take the land.
And I will drink the wine.

Sometimes I’m very very lonely, there’s only me to care.
And when I’m very very lonely, I want someone to share,
I’m going to drink the wine, I’m gonna take my time,

And believe in a world that is mine.
Someone gave me flowers, held them in my hand.
Looked at them for many hours, didn’t understand.
Go on and fool yourselves if you will, you can hold out your hand,

I’ll give back your flowers, and I will take the land.
And I will drink the wine, and I will take the land.
I will drink the wine



Quem Sou

Sou jornalista especialista em vinhos e em comunicação digital. Sou sommelier Fisar e diretora da Associação Brasileira de Sommeliers do DF. Possuo qualificação Nível 3 (Wine Spirit Education Trust) e o Intermediário do ISG. Também tenho certificado em vinhos franceses (FWS) e vinhos californianos (CWAS).


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